Elevating Workplace Wellbeing

Wellness Journeys

Mission Statement
Wellness Journeys provides on-site and virtual wellness services to companies that strive to make happier and healthier employees. The variety of programs are designed to inspire lifestyle improvements, resulting in better health, increased performance and a less stressed workforce. Wellness Journeys’ focus is on education and motivation to create healthier habits that stick by increasing knowledge and awareness of the participants through:
1. Programs designed to promote accountability and engagement
2. Pre and Post assessments
3. Multi-session programs and one-session workshops
4. Programs tailored to fit the needs of the workplace
Meet Polly Pitchford
Hello, I’m Polly Pitchford, Director of Wellness Journeys. Our lives are made up of countless journeys. Mine has been on the path of both fitness and healthy cooking since 1982 when I happened to take a vegetarian cooking class and an aerobics class and discovered that both could dramatically influence my health. Light bulb moments! That light has only grown brighter as my knowledge, experience and passion has done the same.
My health-focused career includes fitness instructor, personal trainer, fitness industry presenter, chef, cooking instructor, cookbook author, TV cooking show host and countless cooking classes. Those journeys led me to speaking internationally as a motivational speaker on health and wellness. For the past decade I have created, produced and taught a variety of wellness classes, programs and challenges for employees of corporations and county governments in Florida.
Educating and inspiring individuals and groups to live healthier lives is the Wellness Journeys mission. I am so glad you are considering these services for your employees. Feel free to contact me with questions. Email- info@pollypitchford.com | Call-941-685-7725.

21-Day Sugar Elimination Challenge
The average American consumes about 20 teaspoons of added sugar a day. Break your sugar habit by joining the 21 Day Sugar Elimination Challenge for added sugars only. This challenge helps you get off the sugar roller coaster and get the education, skills and support you need to live a lower sugar lifestyle and feel great!
Included in this challenge:
21 Day digital sugar tracking journal
Weekly 30 minute virtual meetings for education, support and accountability
Cooking videos and recipes for sugar alternatives
How to read food labels
How to stock a healthy pantry
Strategies for sustained behavior change
Participant Q & A during optional 2nd meeting of the week
Pre and Post Assessments
30-Day Water Challenge
About 60% of the body is made up of water. Water is essential to our survival and we need a certain amount everyday but many of us don’t get enough and our health and energy suffers for it. Participants will be given a personalized water goal and worksheet to track their progress daily for 1 month. There will be a 30-minute weekly virtual meeting on Mondays for continuing education about the role proper hydration plays in our health. They will receive daily emails with easy tips for how to increase water in their diet, and to keep momentum and motivation going. This can be made into a competition with prizes, with an additional fee for prizes. Price will vary depending on participation and format: class or competition. Pre and post-assessments conducted.
7-Day Sodium Challenge
Excess sodium in the diet doesn’t come from the saltshaker. Learn the hidden sources of sodium in our standard American diet and ways to cut back. Participants will receive a sodium tracking journal, participate in 30-minute virtual meetings on days 1 and 7 and get support with daily emails with insightful tips to reduce sodium. Pre and post assessments conducted.
The 21-Day “Power of 10” Move More Challenge
Squats | Walk/Jog/Dance | Stand and Stretch |
Upper Body | Lower Body | Core
Just 10 minutes, 3 times per day is all it takes to break out of our sedentary rut that is killing us! In this 21-day challenge, participants get to choose which kind of movement to do, what time of day to schedule the 3 sessions and a variety of custom, on-demand videos to guide them through each of their 10-minute segments. Making partnerships with other participants for accountability and enjoyment is encouraged. Music playlists, extra YouTube resources and daily email reminders will guide them through the challenge to help create a new, active lifestyle! Pre and post assessments conducted.
Lunch & Learns
On-site or Virtual
A Beginners Guide to Decoding Food Labels
This class will demystify nutrition labels and compare those numbers to the claims made on the front of the package. Serving sizes, fats, total carbohydrates vs. net carbs, sugars and those long ingredient lists will be explained. This is a valuable class for taking ownership of your health!
Fats/Carbs/Proteins Oh My!
There’s a big difference between knowing we need to eat more veggies and actually eating them. This presentation provides practical tips on how to include more veggies in your daily diet, as well as the importance of antioxidants to protect our health.
How to Get More Veggies
This class will demystify nutrition labels and compare those numbers to the claims made on the front of the package. Serving sizes, fats, total carbohydrates vs. net carbs, sugars and those long ingredient lists will be explained. This is a valuable class for taking ownership of your health!
Sugar – A Not So Sweet Tale
Sugars and refined carbs are a significant contributor to disease in our country. Learn how it is negatively affecting our health, where it hides in our foods and how much we can consume without it being detrimental to our health. (A condensed version of the information shared in the 21 Day Sugar Challenge).
3-6 Weeks
Brain Health: The Prevention of Alzheimer’s
A 6-week course (1 hour class)
Alzheimer’s disease is the fastest-growing epidemic in the west. Participants will learn science-based tools for maintaining a healthy brain, including what medical experts are calling Alzheimer’s prevention strategies. Classes will include and overview of Alzheimer’s and tools we can use to help prevent it including:
Gut Biome – How gut bacteria impacts our brain health.
Stress – Reducing chronic stress is essential to improving our brain health.
Exercise – How movement reduces inflammation in the body and the brain.
Nutrition – Essential foods to include and those to avoid.
Environmental Toxins – How exposure to our toxins negatively impacts the brain
Sleep – Strategies for quality sleep and reduced risk of Alzheimer’s. This course material is from Dr. David Perlmutter’s program: Alzheimer’s - The Science of Prevention.
Trust Your Gut: Understanding the Gut Microbiome and How it Affects Your Weight and Overall Health
A 3-week course (1 hour class)
The trillions of gut bacteria have a major impact on our overall health. In this course participants will learn what the Gut Microbiome is, how it determines our weight and health of the entire body, what we do to harm it and how we keep it healthy and in balance. The 3rd week includes a food demonstration of gut-healthy foods.
Cooking Classes
On-site, virtual or on-demand
These are plant-based cooking classes. Preparation of the foods allow participants to learn about the benefits of a plant based diet and sample easy to make recipes.
Anti-Inflammatory Cooking
Easy, Affordable Weeknight Dinners
Healthy Snacking
Eat Your Vegetables
Happy Gut Microbiome Foods
Low Sugar Eats
Movement Classes
In person or virtual
Gentle Yoga
Easy Stretch
Body Weight Workouts
Resistance Bands & Tubes
For the Core
Each Fitness class is personalized for your group with all levels of activities to increase mobility, build strength, and relieve stress.
Testimonials for the popular
Sugar Challenge
“Polly did a great job!
She provided videos, recipes, informative presentations, facilitated meetings for exchange of ideas within the group, and she provided lots of support all along the way.”
“Polly, I did want to let you know that I am still doing well not eating sugar and have lost 14 lbs! I am loving the changes and feel really good!
“Polly’s 21 Day Sugar Challenge had just the right ingredients for a successful journey toward a more healthy lifestyle. The timing of this program, right after the holidays, and the structure immersed me in a positive approach to the New Year. I loved joining the group online and appreciated how we were encouraged – never reproached. Thank you Polly!”
“The Sugar Tracking Journal helped me to really get a better understanding of what to look for and be aware of. It was a very comprehensive program, allowing each person to get as involved as they wanted to, and know there was a network of support. Great job!”
Happy Clients Include